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Vermont’s Restorative Justice Programs Position on Racial Injustice

In March of 2017, the Vermont Association of Court Diversion Programs, DOC-funded
Community Justice Centers, and the Balanced and Restorative Justice programs of DCF
unanimously adopted the Principles of Restorative Justice, collaboratively developed by the ScalingUp Restorative Justice Workgroup. Our programs strive to operate based on those principles. This
document acknowledged that in Vermont, “services embracing a restorative vision for addressing
harm continue to evolve and expand.” The principles were meant to orient and guide us toward
effectively supporting relationships rooted in justice and respect and identified the following key

1. Harmful actions are violations of people and relationships.
2. Violations create obligations.
3. Restorative justice seeks to engage and support those who have been harmed or victimized.

We join many others who, since the May 25, 2020 killing of George Floyd by police officers, are
working to acknowledge and address the structural and institutional racism that has existed since this
Nation’s founding. At this time in history, we who provide restorative justice services in Vermont
have an obligation to look within to explore, and as necessary address, our role within the larger
structure of racism and injustice. Vermont arrest and incarceration data show a disproportionate
number of people of color in our criminal justice system. In the words of Angela Davis, “In a racist
society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.”

In addressing matters referred to us, we are committed to work in partnership with State and
local government and the volunteers who represent our local communities to provide support and
accountability to all parties, including addressing the underlying conditions that have led up to the

As we seek to hold ourselves accountable and move toward a justice system that brings dignity,
safety and repair of harm for all, we commit to:

1. prioritize diversity in all its forms (race, age, income, lived experience with the criminal legal
system, etc.) when recruiting staff and volunteers for our work, with the intent to best
represent the communities we serve;

2. collect and share data that will help identify inequities in accessing restorative options at our
agencies for people of color in Vermont;

3. engage in at least six hours of anti-racism training annually to explore our own implicit biases
and privileges, the foundation and historical roots of our restorative practices among
indigenous peoples here and around the world, the roots and current forms of racism, and
what it means to be anti-racist;

4. use a standing agenda item on our member agency and association meetings, at least
quarterly, to examine our policies and practices in light of these commitments so we work in
ways that are inclusive and equitable, respect the dignity of all, and build relationships rooted
in justice and respect.

Addison County Restorative Justice Services
Barre Community Justice Center
Bennington County Center for Restorative Justice
Brattleboro Community Justice Center
Burlington Community Justice Center
Caledonia and Essex County Court Diversion at Northeast Kingdom Youth Services
Easterseals Vermont (BARJ provider in Addison County)
Essex Community Justice Center
Franklin Grand Isle Restorative Justice Center
Greater Falls Community Justice Center
Hartford Community Restorative Justice Center
Lamoille Restorative Center
Montpelier Community Justice Center
Orange County Restorative Justice Center
Orleans County Court Diversion at Northeast County Community Action
Orleans County Restorative Justice Center
Rutland County Community Justice Center at BROC Community Action
Rutland County Court Diversion and Restorative Justice Center
Spectrum Youth and Family Center (BARJ provider in Chittenden County)
South Burlington Community Justice Center
The Community Restorative Justice Center in St. Johnsbury
Washington County Court Diversion
Williston Community Justice Center
Windham County Court Diversion/Youth Services
Windsor County Court Diversion

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