မစ်ရှင် / ရူပါရုံ / တန်ဖိုးများ
Referrals By Program
Our story in numbers
ဘာလင်တန် CJC သည်ရာဇ ၀ တ်မှု၏ရင်းမြစ်နှင့်အကျိုးသက်ရောက်မှုများကိုဖော်ပြသည်
နှင့်ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ပserveိပက္ခဖြစ်ပွားရာမှကျွန်ုပ်တို့ ၀ န်ထမ်းနေသည့်ရပ်ရွာလူထုတွင်ဂုဏ်သိက္ခာ၊ လုံခြုံမှု၊
July 2022-June 2023
Victim Services
ကြောင်းရှယ်ယာနှင့်တာဝန်ခံမှု, ဆက်သွယ်မှုဆီသို့ပွနျလညျထူထောငျနှင့်အသွင်ပြောင်းလမ်းကြောင်းဖန်တီးပေးပါတယ်
Parallel Justice Victim Referrals: Number of outreach attempts to victims identified by BPD incident reports (100% of victims identified are contacted)
Parallel Justice Victims Supported: Number of parallel justice victims engaging in services
Restorative Justice Victims: Number of outreach attempts to victims identified in restorative justice program cases (100% of victims identified are contacted)
Restorative Justice Victims Supported: Number of restorative justice victims engaging in restorative justice process
Community Referrals: A community partner or member request for outreach and officer support to a person with a mental health need, substance use need, conflict assistance, or victim support
Self-Referrals: A request for support from a community member with a mental health need, substance use need, conflict assistance, or victim support
Community Referrals
A direct "ad hoc" referral to the Community Justice Center staff due to a concern without a specific citation, charge, or order from an individual, the community, or community partner.